
  • Work faster and avoid time consumption
  • Increase your revenue/collection
  • Make it easy to run your practice

Work Faster and avoid time consumption:

The sooner we process the claims the sooner we collect payment for you.

Claims begin with entering patients data accurately. It is a cycle of process. This cycle can be completed smoothly and promptly if it is worked properly.

Accurate data entry of patient demographic and insurance information can save a lot of time consumption.

Extensive knowledge in insurance plans and insurance types can also help in processing the claims promptly. Entering insurance IDs correctly can also save time.

Unless we receive a copy of the insurance card, we always have a chance of no coverage for the date of service.

We verify patients’ eligibility to ensure that patients are covered for the date of service by using NaviNet or verifying patient’s eligibility online.

Our clearing house provides us with instant alerts of rejected and denied claims within 24 hours from the date of submitting claims. This can help us to manage and resubmit them in a timely manner.

We do not have to wait for the EOBS to work on denied claims. We work online for claim status, payment status and much more.

Payment Manager is a tool we use to retrieve checks and EOBs. It is a unique website provided by our clearing house to enable us to check for payment status and download EOBs we need for recent or previous activity.

 Getting EOBs from the primary insurance carrier in a short time can help us to post payment and bill the secondary insurance if needed or generate patient billing statements in a timely manner.

The faster we work, the more payments will be received.

Increase your revenue and collection:

Billing is a collection. Billing is more than data entry and claim processing. It is about a blend of important tools that help you manage your practice smoothly.

We submit claims promptly.

We generate reports within 24 hours from date of claim submission to make sure all claims are submitted and acknowledged by the payers.

We generate weekly and monthly reports from our unique billing system to enable us to track on outstanding. unprocessed and unpaid claims.

Calling insurance companies on a daily basis is our main job to check on claim status and work on denied claims.

Insurance companies may have many reasons to delay processing the claims. Our main job is to make sure those reasons are worked out and claims are paid.

We send appeals for denied claims with the appropriate documents that support our appeal.

Enrolling in (EFT) Electronic Transfer Fund and (ERA) Electronic Remittance Advise is very effective way to increase your revenue.

No need to wait for paper checks and take a chance of missing EOBs or mailing checks to an incorrect address. It also saves time in receiving payment and increases your revenue.

Secondary insurance billing is one of the tools that increases your revenue.

Secondary insurance billing can submitted electronically or on paper if needed.

We generate patients billing statements on a monthly basis with collection messages.

We make collection calls to the patients based on Accounts Receivable report until the balance is paid in full.

We deal with a very effective collection agency that can get the maximum payment from the patient.

How we make it easy to run your practice:

Working professionally in a smooth way makes it easy for both of us to run your practice.

Maintaining cash flow for the practice in steady time-frame helps to avoid stress that can happen from having financial gaps and will reduce the worries from not being able to keep up with the office expenses.

Having good communication between the front desk team and billing department helps us to avoid repeated requests over and over the same information which can save a lot of effort and time.

Picking up or delivering the paper work in a timely manner, avoids any delay in claims entry which can result in delay of payment.

Providing all kinds of reports on daily, weekly and monthly basis enables you to track on the billing process for your practice and gives you a clear picture about your business status.

Aging and Account receivables reports are not the final report we use to follow up on unpaid or outstanding claims.

All payments are sent to your office or directly to your bank account or lockbox.

You can also run your business in a smooth way by being in control of your billing as if you have your billing in house.

How can you be in control of your practice?

You can have access to our billing system by providing you with all types of daily: weekly and monthly reports that illustrate your practice and answer all questions you may have about your practice.

**Will demonstrate all types of reports that serve your practice in a free consultation upon contacting us.

The number on purpose of the billing reports we offer you is to give you an idea on how your practice is growing and how much progress we can make for you. It will also compare your progress between last and current year.

We hold a meeting with you or your office manager on a monthly basis to discuss any billing issues you may have, and answer any questions you may concerned about.